
Gems Adventure

Search the 11 hidden gems in this underground cave. Solve the puzzles to gather them, will you find them all ?


Play in dedicated window

This demo is a more recent adaptation to be embedded on the website. Some features were removed to adapt with this format.


Control Details
Use the hookshot
Shoot with the gun
Go back to the menu
S / O
Save / Load (do not work on browser)
Enter a cheat code
plus vite!
Modify the speed of your character (3 by default)
collision off / pas de collisions
Disable collisions with most obstacles
collision on
Enable the collision
je veux le grappin! / grappin
grant the hookshot
je veux le flingue! / flingue
grant the gun
mega vue"
extend the camera view
annuler mega vue
reset the camera view to default value
go to the next Flipswitch puzzle room
j'aime pas les dalles!
skip the entire Flipswitch puzzle rooms


This is another game that I am really proud of. I did put a lot of effort and time to have a polished, complete and fun game.

From a gameplay point of view, I did my best so that the core mechanics are easy enough to guess without the need to read the manual or spoil yourself with the map.

There is 4 core mechanics which are important to finish the game:

  1. Fake walls: go through the “lighter” colored walls, they are fake!
  2. “Flipswitch” tile (in the portal puzzled toom): switch them all on to move to create the portal
  3. Hookshot: grab certain objects to get pulled towards them
  4. Gun: shoot the status to destroy them

If you have seen the previous games, you will realise that it mixes some concepts seen in previous games:

  • Smiley Adventure for its title and the concept of fake walls
  • Smiley Adventure for the introduction (it is the same pictures)
  • Zelda 3 for the idea of shooting projectiles, hookshot mechanics and adventure feel

Maybe we can consider this game as my revenge over my frustrations of having abandoned this games ? After all, I did programmed for about 1 year at this point, I could prove myself that I did learn a lot since the beginning.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.