
Ninja Attack

After the failure of the previous Zelda projects, I was willing to do something simpler like a platformer game! Unfortunately for me, the physic in this kind of game is not easy to implement.


Play in dedicated window

This demo is a more recent adaptation to be embedded on the website. Some features were removed to adapt with this format.


Control Details
Arrow Keys
Move the character and jump
Start the game (on menu)


The physic in this game is terrible to say the least, just trying to reach the top floor is a challenge in itself. You will easily be stuck in walls or the ground, sometime unable to move.

The bow mechanic in the previous game did inspire a bit this project (as the ninja was supposed to shot ninja’s stars).

The torch in the menu are actually something that I was pretty proud of (probably the best element in this game). I did follow a tutorial on YouTube in order to do it.

I did give up on this project pretty quickly to move on with something else

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.