Little arcade game on which you will have to avoid the fire flame which come from the side of the screen Demo Try Demo Stop Demo Play in dedicated window Z...
Little arcade game on which you will have to avoid the fire flame which come from the side of the screen Demo Try Demo Stop Demo Play in dedicated window Z...
Simple shooter game. Evil dark blocks falling down slowly destroying the ground. Shoot them all for your life! Demo Try Demo Stop Demo Play in dedicated window ...
At this point, I was trying to focus myself to make a simpler game. Don’t focus on the design on which I struggle so much but rather on a simple fun gameplay. Demo Try Demo S...
Trying myself in a new game genre with the tower-defense one. It will be the last Game Maker project that I canceled. Once again, too complicated. Gallery ...
After once more cancelling the Zelda project, I decided to find an easier project. I hesitated between a Pac-Man or Space Invader, as I had bad memories of Pac-Man coding in Smiley Adventure I dec...
Looks like I really love this saga to came back to it a second time! This time focusing less on the map and more on the different game mechanics (items, enemies, etc.) Demo Try Demo ...
After another failure, I had the idea of doing a video game based of a board game! Catan being one of my favorite (still today), I choose it as my next video game project. Demo Try Demo ...
After the failure of the previous Zelda projects, I was willing to do something simpler like a platformer game! Unfortunately for me, the physic in this kind of game is not easy to implement. Demo...
As a The Legend of Zelda fan, why not making my own perfect version of the game ? The previous project teach me that I needed to find game graphics online. As I loved the esthetics of The Legend o...
After the enthusiasm of finishing the first game, I thought I was good enough to attempt a bigger much more ambitious project; my first MMORPG project! Video Gallery...